Four Methods Of Treating Adolescent Acne

Everyone dreams of having flawless, beautiful skin, especially when they are in the throes of adolescence. Unfortunately, not everyone is blessed with a rosy pink, pristine complexion. Raging hormones increase oil production, and this can cause the fine pores to become clogged, which can eventually erupt in an ugly, inflamed pimple. Sometimes, the skin won't erupt and clear the pore, causing a bump to lie smoldering under the skin, causing a painful, infected cyst.

Many teenagers think the answer to clearing their skin is poking and squeezing pimples, scrubbing their face with abrasive cleansers, using rubbing alcohol or other caustic liquids, and covering it with zit cream by night and thick coats of makeup by day if they are a girl. Unfortunately, these methods frequently only serve to increase oil production and aggravate the situation more.

Acne, especially when it is severe, can leave lifelong scars, both physically and emotionally. Kids long to have the pretty skin the cheerleader or football quarterback were lucky enough to get. Their self-esteem can struggle, particularly if their cohorts are cruel and call them names, such as "pizza face." But while acne is a common condition, it doesn't have to just be quietly accepted. Thankfully, modern medicine and technology offer more acne treatment options than ever before. Here is a look at four of them.


A retinoid is a drug that is derived from Vitamin A. The medication is usually put in a topical cream that is used at night. It works by making it more difficult for the skin pores to become clogged, thus reducing pimples and cysts.


Sometimes the skin becomes inflamed because of excess bacteria on the skin. Taking antibiotics long-term can help reduce the amount of bacteria that colonizes on the skin. The antibiotics, such as tetracycline, are usually used in conjunction with topical retinoid medication.

Antibiotics are normally reserved for moderate to severe cases of acne. This is because the side effects from using such drugs long-term can be unpleasant. The side effects need to be balanced with the benefits to decide if this is the right choice.

Combination Birth Control Pills

For teenage girls suffering from acne, going on a specific kind of birth control pill can be helpful. This is because the excess estrogen in adolescent girls can cause acne. Adding estrogen and progestin to the naturally occurring hormones can help, but it can also make things potentially worse, causing menstrual cycle disruptions, nausea, and breast tenderness.

Blue Light Therapy

This non-pharmaceutical option is relatively new, but thus far, it has been finding some success with some types of acne. It works by killing the excess surface bacteria on the skin. This is usually done in the dermatologist's office, although some licensed aestheticians may also provide the service.   

For more information, talk with a dermatologist or visit websites like
