What Makes You A Good Candidate For PRP Hair Therapy
Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is one option to help reverse hair loss and thicken thinning areas. Although the procedure might be helpful, you are more likely to have positive results if you are a candidate for the procedure. There are three factors that may affect your results.
You Have Recent Hair Loss
People who have balding or thinning areas for several years are less likely to benefit from the procedure. Much like other treatments for hair loss, such as minoxidil, it will be harder to encourage hair follicles to wake up if they are dormant when more time has passed. People with hair loss for several years are probably more likely to benefit from more invasive tactics, such as hair transplantation. Since hair transplants involve moving active hair follicles to dormant areas, people with chronic hair loss issues are more likely to see improvement.
Type Of Hair Loss
Not every type of hair loss can benefit from PRP therapy. People with hair loss that frequently occurs as they age may have the most success with PRP. Sometimes hair loss is caused by chronic diseases, such as autoimmune disorders. Having PRP for hair loss that is caused by an underlying disease is unlikely to be successful for multiple reasons. In some instances, hair loss may be restored once the disease is under control, so it is not a permanent symptom of the disease. Additionally, many times autoimmune diseases are progressive, even when periods of remission occurs. This means any new hairs grown with PRP are likely to fall out when the disease flares up.
Poor Platelet Quality
PRP therapy is contingent on the quality of platelets and their ability to work as intended. Some people, such as those with certain diseases or taking certain medications, will not have normal platelets. For example, anyone with a blood clotting disorder likely has abnormal platelets. Injecting these abnormal platelets back into the scalps is unlikely to be successful. Similarly, people taking anticoagulants (blood thinners) will have a similar outcome. These medications are used to make platelets less sticky so they do not clump together and cause clots. Another concern in people with a blood clotting disorder or who are taking anticoagulants is the procedure itself may cause significant bleeding under the scalp, rendering the injected PRP ineffective.
As with any treatment for hair loss, there will be ideal candidates that are more likely to benefit from the procedure. If you are not an appropriate candidate for PRP therapy, it does not mean there is no hope of improving hair loss. For more information, contact PRP hair treatment services.